Recent studies show that over 40% of those with ADHD issues as a child have them as an adult. If you suffered with focusing and attention when you were younger then the chances of you also having ...
Recent studies show that over 40% of those with ADHD issues as a child have them as an adult. If you suffered with focusing and attention when you were younger then the chances of you also having ...
ContinueADHD celebrities can be a means of hope and inspiration for those struggling with ADHD. The need for positive role models and those that have gone before, showing others what is possible, couldn't ...
ContinueMoms with ADHD have a particularly difficult job. Being a mom is difficult on its own. Add to that the distractions of adult ADHD, and things can get hectic and out of sorts quickly. It’s a balanci...
ContinueUsing a calendar for ADHD adults might seem impossible. Adults with ADHD act faster than they think. They tend to be impatient and get distracted easily. They forget commitments and move on to the ...
ContinueDue to our society’s perception of ADHD, few people believe there are any strengths of ADHD adults. You, too, probably feel discouraged because you only see weaknesses with ADHD. You need to know, ...
ContinueWorking with a boss with ADHD can present some interesting challenges. Symptoms of adult ADHD often include poor listening skills, poor organizational skills, and becoming easily distracted. Unfort...
ContinueADHD in the college classroom can many times be a difficult transition for young people coming from high school. So many things change from moving from the high school classroom to the college envi...
ContinueADHD friendly jobs might seem elusive and hard to come by. If you think primarily of office jobs, this might actually be the case. If you broaden your horizons, though, you might actually surprise ...
ContinueADHD advice for employers can be useful to help bolster communications between different personalities. Employers have the difficult job of managing different personalities, ensuring that a team hi...